Friday, June 02, 2006

Breaking News & Yes It's True

I was talking to a friend today, he gently reminded me that our (The Marlow family) lives are somewhat like the Israelites: We keep wondering around looking for a place to call home. Hoping and praying for stability and all.

So we are off again, yes you heard that right. Long story short, Necole's parents did not get the job in Oregon. Instead, they got one in Dallas, TX. At first, we were really mad, but then we started to see how God was working. See, most of our family is in Dallas; both sets of Necole's parents and siblings are there. So, we have grandpa's and grandma's, uncle's, aunt's, cousin's and friends. Really good friends too.

So it became obvious that we should head back to Texas. We moved to Seattle to be close to family, and we have great friends who have family here so it was a win-win. Now, if we stayed here in Seattle, we would have a ton of family 2200 miles away who would hardly ever get to see us and the kids.

But, we do have another issue: And that is Ken, Brenda and Tre live here in Seattle. It's so sad to think that we will not see these guys on a weekly basis, like we've been used to. Sometimes I wish life did not have to be so tough. Not sure I can express in words how we feel about not being close to them.

Also, we have met so many cool folks in Seattle. The rest of the Nussbaum family is so amazing. I hope that somehow I can take a little of what they've got and sprinkle it on my family. And maybe someday we can see better fruit and more health.

Jason & Katie, Jon & Sherry, Dean & George, man these folks are so cool, and they have really shown Necole and I what it means to be a Christ followers; they have loved us, listened to us and shared our journey. Thanks guys. Even though our time was short, it was sweet.

Looks like we will pull out on Sunday morning. We hope to hang in Dallas for a time and check out Austin. Not sure what city we will reside in, but at this point we are leaning towards Austin. But Dallas has many perks too. If we live in Austin we will be about 2.5 to 3 hours away. Which is cool and all. Kind of what we want. Great city, but close to family and friends. We shall see...Say a prayer for us.

And hopefully we shall find a home? :)

Peace & Love


Chad K Miller said...

Sounds like a wise move Chris. I know it must be tough though. Have a great journey back, keep posting.

ashdown said...

praying for you guys!

Carrie said...

I'm going to miss you guys and your super-cute little kidlin's!!!!!